Here are some frequently asked questions and answers. Please feel free to get in touch should you have any further questions.
FAQ’s for virtual shows
What do I need to access the virtual show?
A good internet connection and an Interactive white board to show to the class
How many classrooms can watch?
In theory, as many classroom as you have. Remember though, the more people who will be watching at the same time affects the internet speed. So as long as you have a good internet connection, with good speed. You can all watch
How will the virtual show be delivered?
We will either send you a link with a password to the film which will be hosted on our vimeo site or it may be shared via our actor who will be delivering the workshop pre show. The workshop will be delivered by Zoom unless a venue has a preference of any platform.
How long is the virtual show?
The virtual show will last approximately 60 minutes
How long are the workshops and what happens in the workshops?
One of our actors will deliver a pre-show workshop to you school which will last about 10 minutes. They will talk with the classrooms and get the students prepared and excited about the experience they are about to watch. After the virtual performance the actor will deliver a 20 minute workshop in response to the performance which the children have just seen. This will be packed with fun activities, games and allowing your students the time to ask questions to our actor
How has the virtual show been filmed?
Our virtual show will be filmed by a professional production company using multiple camera’s along with sound mixing to ensure the highest production values.
How many actors are there in the show
Unlike our touring show which normally has 3 actors our virtual show will be performed by 5 actors to enhance the experience.
Will I get anything else ?
Yes, not only will your receive the workshops, and the film but you will also be send a downloadable activity pack which will be crammed with activities for the students to have fun with either pre or post show
What happens if we are not able to watch the show on the day which we had booked?
If something happens which prevents you enjoying your experience on the day booked, we will allow you to watch the film on another date and time.
How do I book, Aladdin the virtual experience?
All you need to do is call our booking number 01522 775760 or email productions@lada.org.uk
What do I need to know before I book a pantomime?
What age are your pantomimes suitable for?
Our Pantomimes are suitable for KS1 – KS2 so 5-11 year olds (although we find the adults secretly enjoy it just as much!)
What size group can you perform to?
As long as your school or venue has the space to accommodate, we can perform to any size audience from 20 – 200!
What do you need from us?
We require a space at the front of your hall or venue minimum of 20ft² to fit in our scenery and equipment. If you have a smaller space but would still like a performance then please ring us in office to discuss.
We already have a stage set up, can you perform on that?
We generally prefer to perform on the floor as this diminishes any health and safety risks to our actors and audience. The stage would have to be permanent and not a pop up stage but LADA would have to assess each individual case to judge suitability before going ahead. Get in contact and speak to us directly for more information.
How long does it take to set up/dismantle the set?
Set up time takes around 40-45 minutes and set down is usually 30-45 minutes.
How long does the show last for?
The performance lasts for approximately 1hour 20 minutes.
Can I have an interval?
If you would like an interval to be included in the middle of the performance then this can be arranged if our touring schedule allows. Ring and speak to us here in the office to discuss.
I don’t have a hall or space large enough, can I still have a performance?
Of course! Some schools and venues in the past have overcome this problem by renting their local village hall for the morning or afternoon. Another solution that some schools prefer is to book two shows with us and have the audience split into two separate groups.
We are federated with another school, can you perform to multiple schools at once?
As long as you have the space required, we don’t mind performing to multiple schools. The more the merrier!